Research on Automatic Evaluation Method of Limb Dysfunction of Low Back Pain Based on MRI
摘要: 基于腰痛患者的MRI,通过图像预处理,提取能够反映腰痛患者功能障碍的MRI影像特征,并结合机器学习方法,提出了一种基于算法多样性的stacking模型集成算法,为腰痛患者的肢体功能障碍精准评估提供可靠方法和实现手段。Abstract: Based on preprocessed MRI images of low back pain patients, this study extracted MRI image features that can reflect the dysfunction of low back pain patients, and proposed a stacking ensemble learning algorithm model based on algorithm diversity, which provided a reliable method and an implementation method for the accurate assessment of limb dysfunction in low back pain patients.