
      Research on the Quality Control of Routine Reusable Pipeline and Disposable Pipeline of Ventilator

      • 摘要:
        目的 探讨常规复用管路和一次性管路对呼吸机质控结果的影响。
        方法 随机抽取17台呼吸机,分别采用常规复用管路和一次性管路进行质控,记录质控数据,然后采用配对t检验分析2种管路的差异是否显著。
        结果 对于呼吸频率、潮气量和气道末压,2种管路没有显著差异(P>0.05);对于气道峰压,常规复用管路显著高于一次性管路(P <0.05),但差异非常小,仅0.2 mbar(1 mbar=100 Pa)左右,不影响质控结论。
        结论 常规复用管路和一次性管路不影响呼吸机质控结果,2种管路可以相互替代。


        Objective To explore the effect of routine reusable pipeline and disposable pipeline on ventilator quality control results.
        Methods 17 ventilators were randomly selected to conduct quality control using routine reusable pipeline and disposable pipeline respectively. Quality control data were recorded and then paired t-test method was used to analyze whether the difference between the two pipelines was significant or not.
        Results There were no significant differences in respiratory rate, tidal volume and end airway pressure between the two types of pipes (P>0.05). The airway peak pressure of routine reusable pipeline was significantly higher than disposable pipeline (P<0.05), but the difference was very small, only about 0.2 mbar which would not affect the conclusion of quality control.
        Conclusion Quality control of ventilator is not affected by routine reusable pipeline and disposable pipeline, which can be replaced by each other.


