
      Preclinical Image Quality Evaluation of Simultaneous Vision Intraocular Lenses

      • 摘要: 该研究采用适配模型眼条件下的MTF频率响应、MTF随焦响应及预期视力共3种不同的临床前像质评价方法对比分析了4种不同光学设计人工晶状体的成像差异。该研究工作可以被应用于同步视觉人工晶状体的光学性能设计阶段,对人工晶状体的光学质量进行验证,其研究结果便于更好地预测植入同步视觉人工晶状体患者的视觉表现,可为人工晶状体制造商以及各使用方提供产品设计开发验证、应用选择等参考依据。


        Abstract: Three different preclinical evaluation methods of MTF through-frequency response, MTF through-focus-response and expected visual acuity were used to compare and analyze the imaging differences of IOLs with four different optical designs. The research work could be used in the simultaneous vision IOLs in the optical design stage and verify the optical quality of the IOLs, the results can predict the visual representation of the patients better. The evaluation results can provide reference for IOL manufacturers and users in product design, development, validation and application selection.


