The Enhancement of Ultrasonic Visibility and Technical Requirements of Needles and Catheters
摘要: 超声引导穿刺及介入置管在临床诊断和治疗中日趋增多,然而超声下可视化不良是该技术用于穿刺和介入置管的主要不足之处。该文总结了针对器械材料改性和结构优化来增强其在超声场中可视性的方法,同时介绍了引入的相关风险及应对措施。Abstract: Ultrasound guided needle biopsy or catheterization is a rising operation in clinical diagnosis and treatment. However, poor visualization under ultrasound is the main disadvantage of this technique. This paper summarized the basic methods used to solve such problem, as well as the corresponding product technical requirements.