
      Research of Methods to Reduce Alarm Fatigue of Monitoring System

      • 摘要: 目的 为改善报警疲劳,研究监护系统的算法优化策略,以减少误报警和临床无价值报警。方法 采用多导心电分析、多参融合分析、智能阈值提醒和不应期延迟四种策略对多中心收集的28 679次报警进行测试。结果 抽样数据显示,多导心电分析可减少80.8%的心电类误报警;多参融合分析可减少55.9%的心电和脉搏类误报警;智能阈值提醒和不应期延迟可分别减少28.0%和29.8%的重复无价值报警;四种优化方法共同作用下,可将总报警数减少为12 724次。结论 增加参数同步分析的信息维度以及合理控制报警限与报警时间,有助于改善重症监护的报警疲劳。


        Abstract: Objective In order to solve alarm fatigue, the algorithm optimization strategies were researched to reduce false and worthless alarms. Methods A four-lead arrhythmia analysis algorithm, a multiparameter fusion analysis algorithm, an intelligent threshold reminder, a refractory period delay technique were proposed and tested with collected 28 679 alarms in multi-center study. Results The sampling survey indicate that the 80.8% of arrhythmia false alarms were reduced by the four-lead analysis, the 55.9% of arrhythmia and pulse false alarms were reduced by the multi-parameter fusion analysis, the 28.0% and 29.8% of clinical worthless alarms were reduced by the intelligent threshold and refractory period delay techniques respectively. Finally, the total quantity of alarms decreased to 12 724. Conclusion To increase the dimensionality of parametric analysis and control the alarm limits and delay time are conducive to reduce alarm fatigue in intensive care units.


