
      Single-use Medical Devices Re-processing: Regulatory Status Quo

      • 摘要: 一次性使用医疗器械的复用在国际上普遍存在,然而,各国的监管方式不同,甚至很多国家还没有将复用纳入监管。该文介绍和分析了国内外一次性使用医疗器械复用的监管状况;重点介绍了美国、德国和英国一次性使用医疗器械复用监管文件及监管模式;讨论了如何进行科学的风险评估和有效的风险控制;为建立适合中国的监管模式,研发相关标准、指南或规范以及制定相应的风险控制策略提供参考。


        Abstract: Some single-use medical devices are reprocessed and reused in some countries in the world, but the regulatory approach is different, and in some countries it isn't regulated yet. In this article, the regulatory status quo of single-use medical devices is reviewed. The regulatory development, important regulatory documents and regulatory approaches of single-use medical device reprocessing in the United States, Germany and the UK are introduced. And how to perform scientific risk assessment and effective risk control is discussed. The information is useful to establish China-specific regulations, and to develop relevant standards, guidelines or specifications and the risk control strategies.


