Study of Acoustic Output Power Measurement of Transcranial Doppler Diagnostic & Monitor System
摘要: 该文介绍了如何快捷地利用水听器扫描法和脉冲序列理论相结合的方法测试和计算超声经颅多普勒声输出功率,然后论证了水听器扫描法和脉冲序列理论相结合的方法的可行性,以及具体的推导和计算超声经颅多普勒声输出功率的方法。Abstract: The fundamental concept, measuring and calculating of Transcranial Doppler Diagnostic & Monitor System acoustic output power are introduced according to hydrophone scanning method and pulsing sequences principle. Then, the feasibility of the method is demonstrated. Finally, the detail calculating method of Transcranial Doppler Diagnostic & Monitor System has been derived.