
      Design of Control System of Radiation Head of Radiotherapy Simulator

      • 摘要: 该文设计了一种医用放疗模拟机辐射头控制系统,采用一拖二步进驱动电路,以闭环控制方式实现辐射头钨门和井线实时双拉同步控制。有效提升了模拟机辐射头控制精度,降低了设备制造成本。经临床应用,具有减少患者辐射剂量,提高治疗规划质量等优点。


        Abstract: The paper designs a control system of radiation head of radiotherapy simulator. Using a driver to control two stepper motors, through the design of the PLC program, to achieve the simultaneous movement of the two delineators. It improves the control precision and saves the manufacturing cost of radiotherapy simulator. In clinical practice, it can improve the quality of treatment planning, and reduce patient X-ray exposure.


