
      Plug-in Based Centralized Control System in Operating Rooms

      • 摘要: 手术室设备集中控制对于提高手术效率具有重要的意义。由于国内手术室医疗设备普遍存在种类繁多,通信接口不一致以及控制面板差异较大等问题,设计和实现设备集中控制,是一体化手术室建设的重点和难点。该文基于插件程序架构,通过定义通信插件接口和设备插件接口,把设备的差异性封装在具体的设备插件动态链接库中来实现兼容性,通过反射机制动态加载调用,具有很好的灵活性和可扩展性,实现了手术室医疗设备的集中控制。


        Abstract: Centralized equipment controls in an operating room (OR) is crucial to an efficient workflow in the OR. To achieve centralized control, an integrative OR needs to focus on designing a control panel that can appropriately incorporate equipment from different manufactures with various connecting ports and controls. Here we propose to achieve equipment integration using plug-in modules. Each OR will be equipped with a dynamic plug-in control panel containing physically removable connecting ports. Matching outlets will be installed onto the control panels of each equipment used at any given time. This dynamic control panel will be backed with a database containing plug-in modules that can connect any two types of connecting ports common among medical equipment manufacturers. The correct connecting ports will be called using reflection dynamics. This database will be updated regularly to include new connecting ports on the market, making it easy to maintain, update, expand and remain relevant as new equipment are developed. Together, the physical panel and the database will achieve centralized equipment controls in the OR that can be easily adapted to any equipment in the OR.


