
      Study of Blood Oxygen Measuring Method Based on Multiple Regression Analysis

      • 摘要: 在传统的血氧检测中,使用修正的朗伯-比尔定律对血氧进行计算,一方面计算过程中需要进行除法等运算,不利于硬件快速输出结果。另一方面,这种方法因使用了比值的方法会带来计算误差,损失了一定的信息量,在输出结果上使最后的计算精度较低。为减小这种情况影响,该文提出了回归分析的方法对血氧含量进行测量和评估,相比原有的比值法计算血氧饱和度,测量的精度有着明显的优势,同时更利于硬件实现。


        Abstract: In the traditional measurement of blood oxygen, amended Lambert-Beer Law is used to calculate the oxygen percentage in the blood. On the one hand, results will be acquired slowly because of the divide operation. On the other hand, amount of precision will be lost because of the errors by using ratio, which leads to the low accuracy results. In order to solve this problem, multiple regression analysis is used in this paper to measure and evaluate the oxygen percentage in the blood. Results show that, compared to the ratio, the new method has an obvious advantage and can be realized by hardware more easily.


