
      Performance Testing of Medical Ultrasound Diagnostic Equipment Based on Tissue-mimicking Phantom

      • 摘要: 该研究旨在通过仿组织体模检测医用超声诊断仪的多项关键性能指标,确保其在临床应用中的有效性,并探究这些性能指标随时间的变化规律。研究首先抽取17台在用医用超声诊断仪,参照检定规程对探测深度,盲区,侧向分辨力,轴向分辨力,几何位置示值误差以及囊性病灶直径误差进行检测。此外,研究还回溯了19台医用超声诊断仪在过去连续三年的性能检测数据并进行统计分析。经检测,17台医用超声诊断仪的各项性能指标均符合检定规程的要求,表明其在临床应用中能够稳定、可靠地提供高质量的超声诊断图像和数据。同时,回溯数据表明19台超声诊断仪随着使用年限的增长,设备在远场处的分辨能力有所下降,囊性病灶直径误差有所增加。因此,建议医疗机构建立医用超声诊断仪的定期检测和维护制度,对超声诊断仪进行定期的性能评估和保养,以确保其保持良好的工作状态。


        Abstract: This study aims to ensure the effectiveness of medical ultrasound diagnostic equipment in clinical applications by testing multiple key performance indicators using tissue-mimicking phantoms, and exploring the changes in these performance indicators over time. Firstly, 17 medical ultrasound diagnostic instruments in use were selected for research, and the depth of penetration, dead zone, lateral resolution, axial resolution, geometric position error, and cystic focal diameter error were tested according to the verification regulations. In addition, the study also retrospectively analyzed the performance testing data of 19 medical ultrasound diagnostic instruments over the past three consecutive years and conducted statistical analysis. Through the examination, all performance indicators of the 17 medical ultrasound diagnostic instruments meet the requirements of the verification regulations, indicating that they can provide high-quality ultrasound diagnostic images and data stably and reliably in clinical applications. Meanwhile, retrospective data shows that with the increase of service life, the resolution ability at the far field of 19 ultrasound diagnostic instruments has decreased, and the cystic focal diameter error has increased. Therefore, it is recommended that medical institutions establish a regular testing and maintenance system for medical ultrasound diagnostic equipment, and conduct regular performance evaluations and maintenance to ensure their good working condition.


