
      Research and discussion on the full lifecycle supervision of typical Class Ⅱ wound dressing products

      • 摘要: 该研究从医疗器械全生命周期的角度对典型Ⅱ类创面敷料上市前监管法规要求、检验检测现状和上市后不良事件监测情况进行了梳理,对比分析了中国、美国、欧盟等对创面敷料的监管要求,对ⅠⅡ类的液体/膏状敷料产品也进行了补充研究。分析了典型Ⅱ类创面敷料注册申报存在的问题,并进一步给出了监管建议,以期为创面敷料产品的审评审批、检验检测和上市后监管提供技术参考。


        Abstract: In this study, the pre-marketing regulatory requirements for typical Class II wound dressings, as well as the status of testing and post-marketing adverse event monitoring, were reviewed from the perspective of the full lifecycle of medical devices. Additionally, the regulatory requirements for wound dressings in China, the United States, and the European Union were compared. Supplementary research was also conducted on liquid and paste dressing products. This study analyzed the issues in the registration and application of typical Class II wound dressings and further provided regulatory recommendations, aiming to offer technical references for the review and approval, inspection and testing, and post-market supervision of wound dressing products.


