
      Discussion on registration evaluation concerns of embolic microspheres device

      • 摘要: 文章对栓塞微球的结构特点、临床应用进行了梳理,结合审评经验和现行审评要求从管理属性、产品描述、非临床研究、临床评价4个方面分析了作为医疗器械管理的栓塞微球的注册审评关注点,以期为该类产品的研发及注册提供参考,提高注册申报效率。


        Abstract: The structural characteristics and clinical application of embolic microspheres were summarized in this paper. According to evaluation experience and current registration evaluation requirements, registration evaluation concerns on embolic microsphere as medical device were analyzed from four aspects: administration attributes, product description, non-clinical studies, and clinical evaluation, in order to provide reference for the development and registration application of such products and improve the efficiency of registration application.


