
      Comparative Research on the Regulatory Requirements of Radiotherapy Equipment Across Countries

      • 摘要:
        目的 :为制定我国放射治疗设备临床评价及监管政策提供基础。
        方法 :全面检索并对比美国、欧盟及我国管理机构对放射治疗设备的申报监管要求,分析其共性及差异。
        结果 :成熟放射治疗系统,在欧美地区,性能参数比较成为确定产品是否能上市的重要依据。欧盟和我国将临床评价报告作为医疗器械审评申报的重要内容。
        结论 :提出明确的SOTA及性能、临床指标参数,建立相关的技术指导原则,是推进放疗设备监管规范化发展的重要方向。


        Objective To provide a foundation for the formulation of clinical evaluation and regulatory policies for radiotherapy equipment in our country.
        Method Comprehensive retrieval and comparison of the regulatory requirements for radiotherapy equipment from the United States, the European Union, and China regulatory agencies, analyzing their commonalities and differences.
        Results For mature radiotherapy systems, in the European and American regions, the comparison of performance parameters becomes an important basis for determining whether a product can be marketed. Both the European Union and China consider the clinical evaluation report an important part of the medical device review and submission process.
        Conclusion Proposing clear SOTA and performance parameters, clinical indicator parameters and the establishment of relevant technical guiding principles are important directions for promoting the standardized development of radiotherapy equipment supervision.


