The gradient coils of MRI equipment can induce vibrations in implantable medical devices, causing periodic motion with respect to the surrounding tissue, which not only resulting in instrument failure but also causing discomfort to the patient. Therefore, studying the vibration characteristics of implantable devices under different scanning sequences and the orientation of the device relative to the magnetic field is crucial for comprehending vibration performance. This study observed the vibration spectra of a full cranial bone-implanted neurostimulator by using laser vibrometry under typical rapid imaging sequences and explored the impact of different magnetic field orientations with vibration. The results demonstrated that the rapid echo sequences induced diverse and rich vibration components, whereas the planar echo sequences caused relatively simple vibration. Additionally, the strongest vibrations normally occurred in maximum conductive surface paralleling to the phase-coded direction. It revealed the factors influencing the vibrations of skull fixation active implantable devices, and provided guidance for enhancing device safety and protecting patient well-being during MR examinations.