
      Application of Digital Galvanometer Scanner System for CO2 Fractional Laser Safety Improvement

      • 摘要: 点阵激光治疗仪广泛使用基于模拟PID控制器的驱动器来控制振镜,将激光脉冲以点阵图形的方式扫描人体组织表面,以实现预期的治疗效果。然而,这类振镜驱动器由无源元件和运算放大器组成,它们只能单向接收点阵激光治疗仪中控系统的扫描定位指令,并且通常只能通过比较电路对振镜进行简单的故障诊断,这可能会降低点阵激光治疗仪的安全性。针对这些问题,该研究首先分析并总结了振镜可能出现的各种故障机理,以及这些故障对点阵激光治疗仪安全运行的影响。接着,在数字振镜驱动器的基础上,针对传统振镜系统故障诊断策略的不足,提出了自适应限位保护、线圈断路故障诊断、基于二次握手的通信超时故障诊断以及振镜控制超时故障诊断策略。这些策略的实施提高了点阵激光治疗仪扫描手具的整体安全性。最后,通过实验验证了这些保护策略的有效性。


        Abstract: An analog PID controller-based galvanometer scanner is widely used by fractional laser medical equipment (FLME) to scan lasers across tissue surfaces, achieving the desired therapeutic effect. This type of driver, primarily composed of passive components and operational amplifiers, can only accept commands from the central controller of the FLME, with a simple hardware circuit-based fault diagnosis; thus, the safety of the FLME is compromised. To address these issues, the failure mechanisms of galvanometers and their impact on the safety of FLME are thoroughly analyzed first. Then, an adaptive limit protection method, a coil open circuit fault diagnosis, a communication timeout protection based on two handshakes, and a galvanometer control timeout protection are proposed, respectively, based on a digital driver platform, to supplement the deficiencies in the original fault diagnosis and protection system. This ensures the safety of the FLME. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed strategies is validated through experiments.


